“Words are indeed our emissaries and ambassadors, carrying important
messages for us”
- Ann Handley
Yes, wow, was the first word that popped out of my mouth when I bumped into these words by Ann Handley. The author of everybody writes.
And I can’t agree more with Handley, indeed, words are our ‘emissaries and ambassadors’, carrying importance.
Just take a minute or two to discern those words; drink from Ann’s wisdom, her living words of truths, or do I call them confession?
If you check around, you will be surprised to learn that all influential persons alive or dead were known for their mastery of words from Mark Taiwan, George Bernard Shaw, Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Loa Tzu, George Washington, Plato, Nietzsche, Martin Luther, Socrates, Sun Tzu, Russel, Machiavelli, and Franklin just to name a few.
They’re influential because of their material possessions, no, they’re influential whether dead or alive because of the imprint they left behind in form of words.
That’s why to date, the living still quotes the dead. Just think of that, friend!
Words are your proxy . . . they stand-in for the things.
Please thinks of these words!