In life, only a few things are certain. Death, change, and the storms of life top the list. This is so because life isn’t linear nor is it a straight line. Its ups and downs. Today won’t be the same as yesterday, and tomorrow will not mirror the day that proceeded it. That’s factual.
And none among us can accurately predict life with precision. Even the so-called ‘gurus’ can’t foretell how the economy fare in a month or two. How the oil prices will fare in the international market today or tomorrow or how the Covid-19 crisis will be ended?
And none has that foresight to foretell how the future will fare. All we’re capable of is an estimation of the future coupled with some luck. Trial and error. However, proper planning and adopting tested and timeless strategies can propel one to survive life’s storms. These timeless and tested strategies are not limited or defined by time and space. They’re season-less strategies or principles of life.
Monks reverence them. Men and women of cloth utilized them, and even the sick relied on them to beat or overcome their ailments. They’re applied in all situations. In the book: From Grass to Grace. From Rags to Riches, Dapo Ademola writes that God is the invisible and imperceptible hand. He called Him, the multi-faceted face of color and the antidote.
In his two poems: The Poem on fear and the poem on the hope he urges that Jesus is the only approachable God. That’s also factual.
Ademola’s attitude defines these tested and timeless principles or strategies that we‘re discussing in this article. These principles have made blinds to see, lames to walk, and the afflicted restored. These strategies have propelled the poor into richness and abundance. Beggars to philanthropists.
One – Faith.
Faith is knowing and owning the invisible before seeing it or possessing it in the physical realm. It’s possessing your desired healing, wealth, and health when your loved ones didn’t see it coming. It’s taking a leap of faith in the realm of impossibilities.
Two – Hope
Willpower. It’s the resilience or the urge of seeing it happening. The ability to accept your current state of things, but continue trusting in better days ahead. Being hopeful is living in the realm of possibility despite your current reality of things. It’s seeing seeds of success or opportunity in a failure, a circumstance, or an obstacle.
Three – Discipline
Discipline here is in respect to being patient with oneself, especially when one’s is facing unrelenting voices ringing loud and clear in the head and all odds appear to be closing in on you. Those voices in your head are telling you to stop. You can’t make it or survive it, says the voice. Just quit it or give up the fight for another. So, succumbing to a situation or an obstacle amount to giving up on yourself, your dream, and your life’s goal. That’s why discipline is refusing to succumb to urges or tempting things, especially when pursuing a just cause.
Four – Adaptability
Being adaptable is everything in life because things change, situations change and even people changed all changes call for adaptability, aligning your needs, situation, conditions, and strategies to new realities.
Five – Hardworking
Hardworking is a virtue because many see work as a punishment. That’s why many settle for less and live an average life. Why? Because they despise work and see work as a necessary evil.
Six- Self-Belief and Intuition.
Self-belief and intuition have made many all odds. It is self-belief and intuition that has made human conclude that no human is limited. That limitation is mind creation or a construct of the mind.
Seven- Perseverance
Three Magical Words of SUCCESS & HAPPINESS
Perseverance is knowing who you’re and what you are made of and capable of. It’s knowing that nothing is permanent. That every situation or condition is a temporary setback.
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